Churches in Blankenberge

Blankenberge has a number of very beautiful churches: the St. Anthony's Church, the St. Rochus Church and the St. Amandus Church.

The St. Anthony's Church is a Gothic church dating from the middle of the 14th century. It is a typical hall church with three naves of equal width and height. Due to the increase in tourism in the 19th century and the explosive growth of the population, this church became too small in the summer season. A larger church was needed and therefore the St. Rochus church was built in 1889.

The St. Rochus Church is a classic example of a seasonal church. It was built as close as possible to the tourist centre and outside the summer season it was far too large for the local population. This church, built in neo-Romanesque style, can seat 1800 people.

St. Amand's Church is a church from the 11th century and was built in neo-Gothic style.

Address Sint-Anthony's Church

8370 Blankenberge

Address Saint-Rochus Church

Albertstraat 1
8370 Blankenberge

Address Sint-Amand's Church

8370 Blankenberge