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Drop us a line!
Do you have a question? Then you should definitely check our Customer Service. Normally you should find the answer to your question on one of these pages! Do you still have some unanswered questions or do you need our help during the booking process? Just send us a message through the form below or contact us by phone, by chat or by email at info@holidaysuites.eu. We are happy to help you!
So call us maybe!
+32 (0)2 588 03 03
You can contact us from Monday to Sunday between 8 a.m. and 10 p.m.
Chat away!
Unable to call or just not feeling like it? Our holiday experts will be glad to answer your questions via our chat!
You got Email!
You can also send us an email, we will try to answer you as fast as possible.
For all press-related business, please contact us at pers@holidaysuites.be.
Our headquarters
We try our best to help you from a distance. This saves you time and gives us the opportunity to keep down the price of your holiday. Do you still need our address? You can find our details below:
Holiday Suites Int.
Monnikenwerve 17-19
8000 Bruges
VAT number
Bank account number
BE93 0017 7382 6367